The robots are available for programming, experiments. A lso they can be used as other various educational materials.
Reliable educational materials which confirm to MEXT requirements.
The materials allow students study by themselves so it reduces teachers’ burden.
Increase students’ motivation of being proactive.
How to use
Learn programming While learning programming, you can design moves of the robot.
Enjoy customizing Make it your favorite by customizing colors and movements.
Use at field of education Use as supporting materials which conform to the government course guidelines.
Sophisticated designRobotizing a popular plastic model as it is designed by a pro modeler.
Easy to useWeb educational materials which allow students to study programming at their own pace are prepared.
Able to share with everyoneYou can register several IDs on a robot so it’s available for group learning.
Enlarge the range of playingYou can enjoy the robots with anime, manga, game and smartphone Apps.
About educational materials
We prepared programming educational materials which allow beginners to move robots easily. The material applies programming education software “Scratch” which is widely used at educational institutions inside and outside of Japan, so there are a lot of information and explanations.
All materials are on the Web, so you can learn at your own pace whenever and wherever.